Title: An Indian Experience of Colonial and Indian Exhibition: T. N. Mukherji's A Visit to Europe
Authors: Hussain Ahmad Khan, Hassaan Ahmad Usmani
Journal: Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society
Publisher: University of the Punjab, Lahore
Country: Pakistan
Year: 2022
Volume: 35
Issue: 1
Language: en
Keywords: Colonial and Indian ExhibitionshybridityIndian exhibitsT. N. MukherjiTravelogues
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Abstract: By contesting the Saidian perspective, this paper suggests that the Indians, who were part of the colonial British setup in India, were not passive agents of the empire. In fact, they were active participants of the events and were critical of the British policies and discourses. By employing the concept of Homi Bhabha’s hybridity, the article identifies the hybrid features in the textual analysis of a travelogue, A Visit to Europe, by T.N. Mukherji, a western-educated Indian, who assisted the British with organizing the Colonial and Indian Exhibition in 1886 in London.
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