Article Information

Title: Religious Tolerance and Coexistence: Pluralist Dimensions in Ibn-e-Safi’s Life and Writings

Authors: Zohaib Ahmad

Journal: Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization (JITC)

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Publisher: University of Management and Technology

Country: Pakistan

Year: 2021

Volume: 11

Issue: 2

Language: en

Keywords: Ibn-e-SafiImrān Seriesinterfaith harmonyIslamreligious tolerance

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Ibn-e-Safi is one of the prominent literary figures of South Asia and has a special place among the writers of mystery fiction in modern Urdu prose. His Jāsūsī Duniyā and Imrān Series are responsible for developing lasting characters such as Colonel Faridi, Ali Imran, Juliana, Captain Hameed, and Joseph. Although his life and contributions to Urdu literature have successfully held the attention of scholars but due consideration has not been accorded to the religious aspect of his works. This paper employs the biographical approach to highlight the pluralistic dimensions of his life and writings. It identifies the religious discourses found in the intra-character dialogues of his Imrān Series novels in order to explore his religious views. Further, it argues in favor of his strong support for interreligious harmony and peace and for the promotion of peaceful coexistence among the adherents of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, it is noted that he opposed Zionism as he maintained that its philosophy does not promote peace and harmony. In this world of perpetual change where religious, racial, and communal violence is so common, where religious dissent has already caused enormous human and material loss, and where rigid human behavior creates hatred and dissent, the study of his Imrān Series teaches tolerance and helps to identify elements disturbing the peace of the society.
Keywords: Ibn-e-Safi, Interfaith harmony, Imrān Series, Islam, Religious tolerance

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