Title: (کرونا وائرس کے تناظر میں مطالعہ)شنی میں مقروضوں اور تنگ دستوں کی معاشی کفالت سیرت طیبہﷺ کی رو
Authors: Ghous Uddin Khan, Khurum Sheraz, Tanveer Huma Ansari
Journal: Inkishaf
Publisher: Rah-e-Falah Research Center, Lahore
Country: Pakistan
Year: 2022
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Language: ur
Keywords: WelfareCovid-19DebtorsPoorHoly Qur’anHadithIslamDebtorsSocietyReforms
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The Holy Quran is the complete code of life that offers solution to every problem and provides spiritual peace. Islam is the message of security, mercy, brotherhood, love and peace. Islam aimed to establish a free society from exploitation based on equality and justice. Prophet (PBUH) was merciful of the worlds and his standard of goodness, love and kindness to human beings. Even his enemies admitted that he was the best example of tolerance and patience. His  revolution based on Seerah-e-Tayyabah  and Qur’anic teachings is a beacon light for the people till the Day of Judgment. If humanity still wants to prosper today, it must benefit from the same source of growth and guidance .At present, the whole of humanity is suffering from immense problems. In the   light of the Holy Qur’an and the biography of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) people should form all aspects of the system of life and establish a blessed inter-human society based on basic human rights and successful in this world and the hereafter. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught us the teachings of human service and in the salary of the sustainable Muslims, where he created a feeling of zakat and rituals, consent, there could also be welfare organization and movements. Prophet (PBUH) teach us the help those persons who didn’t pay debtors and canniness. To understand all these goals Almighty Allah, keep sending the prophets for the sake of their easy time to give guidance. Present study highlights the teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the welfare of debtors and poor. Due to the lockdown, the business is almost non-existent and in such a situation, there is no source of income for the working professionals who earn two-time bread, but in this difficult time, many welfare and government organizations and philanthropists are helping the deserving people. And it should be done; it is the duty of every member of the society. If there is an intention to pay the debt, but could not pay it for some reason and if he is martyred, then that debt will be forgiven from the creditor himself, but the debt which was not intended to be paid will not be forgiven.