Kalich Research Journal

HEC Recognition History
Category From To
Y 2021-07-01 2022-06-30
Y 2020-07-01 2021-06-30

ISSN: 2708-1184

E-ISSN: 2708-1192

Publisher: University of Sindh, Jamshoro

Country: Pakistan

Language: Sindhi

Subject Areas: Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)

Frequency: Annual

Homepage: Visit Journal Website

Views: 11

Institutions for research and teaching purposes have a major role in the development of nations and Countries. These are institutions where researchers, intellectuals, philosophers, and scientists are born. Such institutions are the only true people of the whole nation but also human beings. These institutions make a common sense of awareness, awareness, true love, thinking, and thinking of doing something. The research institutes, which are set up in the name of the personality, we continue to make efforts to promote the work and function of their lives, keeping them religious.
The use of valid resources of existing resources cannot only be used in the work of institutions, but the scope of human and social benefits also increases.
This is a continuation of the general purpose of knowledge and awareness of the Journal of Shams-Ul- Ulama Mirza Kalich Beg. As Mirza Kalich Beg has played a historical role in combining society with the most upright world in the journey of the scientific and intellectual development of Sindhi society. Mirza has worked hard. Even though the sources of the fastest information and publications became increasing, no agencies could do so much. Everything that is happening through this chair is a little tribute to Mirza. We are trying to continue his lightning lace. The research journal has been released under the policies of the Higher Education Commission.

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