Pak-Euro Journal of Medical and Life Sciences

ISSN: 2707-4471

E-ISSN: 2707-448X

Publisher: Readers Insights Private Limited

Country: Pakistan

Language: English

Subject Areas: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Frequency: Monthly

Homepage: Visit Journal Website

Views: 1

Pak-Euro Journal of Medical and Life Sciences (PJMLS) is a peer review international journal that aims to promote quality research in the medical and life sciences. PEJMLS published quarterly by "Readers insight". PJMLS accepts original research, full-length articles, review articles, short communications, case reports, objective descriptions, guest editorials, book chapters, reviews in-depth and brief reports. Only those articles and research papers are appreciated which are original and have quality work. PJMLS works with an internationally qualified editor's community. Receive high-quality research papers, timely peer review (initial review decision within two weeks).

Medical science: PJMLS publishes on a wide variety of medical and related topics including biomarkers, biochemistry, anatomy, biotechnology, immunology, genetics, biodemography, neuroscience, cellular & molecular biology, exercise sciences, physiology, endocrinology, nutrition, pharmacology, pharmacy, pathology, microbiology, toxicology, health services research, clinical trials, forensic medicine, health related social sciences and all other health-related disciplines.

Life science: PEJMLS publishes articles on Biological insights gleaned in studies from all aspects of life sciences.

Peer Review Process: Pak-Euro Journal of Medical and Life Sciences (PJMLS) is a peer-review journal. All articles submitted to the Journal need to pass the review process before publishing. Peer review is important to maintain the quality and integrity of scientific and scholarly research and it is aimed to evaluate the quality, validity, and originality of the research articles. In our peer review policy, firstly the articles will be scrutinized and evaluate by the editorial team, if it is according to the scope of PJMLS and considered acceptable for publication then section editor will forward it to two reviewers for blind peer review. The section editor will ensure the reviewer's areas of expertise is similar to the scope of the paper and they will ensure the review process would be without potential conflicts of interest. If Section Editor does not find a specific reviewer for the submitted manuscript, he will search for another specialist of the topic of equal repute and based on his/her expertise in his/her field. The peer-review process is double-blinded. The reviewers will return their recommendations and reports to the Section Editor, providing general comments to the editor and both general and specific comments to the author(s). Constructive comments that might help the authors improve their work are passed on anonymously (even if editor do not accept the submitted manuscript). After that, the editor assesses them collectively, and then makes a decision, either on his or her own or in consultation with other editors on whether to reject the manuscript. The final decision on acceptability for publication lies with the Editors-in-Chief. The Editors-in-Chief will communicate the overall result of the evaluation (rejected, accepted or accepted with modifications), including the reviewer's comments. Revised manuscripts may be subject to further peer review if appropriate.