ISSN: 2220-4105
E-ISSN: 2708-0609
Publisher: Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women, Nawabshah (Shaheed Benazirabad)
Country: Pakistan
Language: English
Subject Areas: Health Professions
Frequency: Monthly
Homepage: Visit Journal Website
Views: 1
JPUMHS is an official journal of Peoples University of medical and Health Sciences
Pakistan. JPUMHS came into existence in 2011. It is a quarterly published, multi-
disciplinary, peer reviewed journal. We have a team of highly qualified editorial board members who are dedicated to meet and improve the standards of Journal as per the laid International guidelines. In addition, we are in process of maintaining a multidisciplinary reviewer’s bank, which comprises of dedicated national and international researchers and subject specialists, who strive their best to evaluate the manuscript in the shortest possible time the journal has its own dedicated website, where all previous, current issues are available with an open access permitted to everyone.
The journal is devoted to provide updates and advancements to health care providers in the field of basic as well as applied medical sciences. It is committed to rapidly publish the high quality research work in the form of original research articles, review articles, meta-analysis reviews, letter to the editor, case reports, case series report and short communication.
We are striving to promote the quality research papers along with its free online availability to the readers all over the world for reference and awareness purpose. It is a forum for communicating the health related issues around the Globe. Moreover the ethical considerations and conflicts of interest amongst the co-authors are observed strictly to maintain the research protocols.
Regardless of the employment status, journal accepts the quality research and updated authentic / evidence based information from any source. From patient's perspectives, this evidence based research will ultimately be a step forward to improve the health care facilities at National and International levels.
Checklist for authors
All corresponding and co-authors must ensure a complete protocol of submission processing order to avoid delay in publishing process of their papers. Incomplete submission will not be considered for the publications.
Please complete the following requirements with following
♦ Covering letter duly signed by all authors.
♦ Undertaking/Certificate duly signed by all authors.
♦ Copy of ethical permission letter issued to be signed by the Chairman/Head of Institutional Review Board/Ethical Committee, where research has been conducted.
♦ Complete article with tables, figures and references.
♦ Identification of corresponding author with full name, degree, affiliated institute, institutional title, e-mail address, corresponding address and phone numbers.
Details of ALL AUTHORS including full names, degrees, affiliated institute, institutional title, e- mail address, corresponding address and phone
The journal will only correspond with the assigned corresponding
Contributions of all authors in accordance with ICMJE guidelines.
Declaration of Conflict of interest and funding information
Before proceeding for submission of this manuscript, please follow the link:
Complete the checklist and make sure that the manuscript is prepared according to the checklist. After completing the checklist, email the duly signed checklist by corresponding author, to editor thru email:
Important note: Delay in compliance and incomplete documentation may lead to delay in the processing of your manuscript.
Review Process
JPUMHS has a uniform and structured, blind peer-review process during which all manuscripts go through certain steps before a manuscript is accepted for publication. A manuscript goes through following steps during JPUMHS review process.
After receiving a manuscript will be sent for initial Editorial review, to assess whether the submitted manuscript is written according to ICMJE authors guidelines and format and suitable for review or If manuscript is found suitable for further processing the correspondence author is informed within 02 weeks regarding acceptance for further processing otherwise the author is asked to re-submit his manuscript after making necessary amendments as per ICMJE guidelines and format.
After acceptance for processing a unique Ref will be allotted to the manuscript which will be used for future correspondence.
After Editorial Review, the manuscript will checked thru TURNITIN Plagiarism Checker and sent to the Plagiarism Committee for judging Similarity Index (SI). The Technical assistant will submit its report within 02 weeks regarding Similarity If the report has similarity index <=17%, then benefit of doubt may be given to the author but, in case, any single source has similarity index>=5% without citation then it needs to be revised and will be sent back to the author for revision to bring similarity index down to permissible limit.
In next step, the manuscript will be sent to reviewers of concerned specialty who will review the manuscript meticulously keeping in view all technical The reviewers will submit their review report within six weeks.
After receiving the reviewers comments, the correspondence author will be informed immediately about the reviewers comments and asked to make necessary amendments in manuscript in the light of reviewers comments or give their comments where he don't agree with the reviewers comments within two weeks.
After receiving the amended version from author, the manuscript will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee to see whether necessary amendments advised by reviewers were incorporated in the manuscript properly or not and whether the manuscript needs further review or This process will take two weeks to complete.
If the editorial board decides that manuscript needs no further amendments or review, then the correspondence author will be informed about the acceptance of manuscript for publication and the print version of accepted manuscript is finally sent to the author for final proof reading.
After editorial decision the corresponding author will pay the prescribed fees through bank.
After receiving print version from author, the manuscript will be short listed for forth coming issues and put in priority list which will be decided by Editorial Board and author will be informed regarding volume and issue number of the JPUMHS.
The accepted print version of manuscript will also be uploaded on the JPUMHS Website.
The editorial committee reserves the rights to accept or not the article for publication.
The minimum process of manuscript is about six months but it varies depending upon the response from reviewers and author.