Title: ”حیات و کائنات کے ابدی معمے اور غالب کا فکری ردعمل“
Authors: Shahida Yousuf
Journal: Tahqeed
Publisher: Government College for Women University, Faisalabad
Country: Pakistan
Year: 2023
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Language: ur
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This article is an effort to explore the dimensions of religiousty in Ghalib's Poetry. He makes philosophical queries about human race in the divine system of Almighty Allah. He does not roam around aimlessly in passive Hellenic mysticism. His metaphysical perspective is very dynamic. His poetry does not reflect only the inward aspect of religion. He wants to know the secrets of universe very beautifully and aesthetically laid out by Almighty Allah. His thought process and quires are not limited to the flowers, clouds green pastures. He wants to see beyond galaxies. At times he views the universe through pantheistic perspective. The phrases and terms of classical tradition of Sufism can also be seen in his poetry. As he uses the term ‘drop’ as mankind’s mystical existence in the ocean of divinity.
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