Browse Papers by Subjects

Abnormal Behavior

Papers related to Abnormal Behavior in Pakistan

Abnormal CTG trace, during labour, diagnostic accuracy, poor fetal outcome

Papers related to Abnormal CTG trace, during labour, diagnostic accuracy, poor fetal outcome in Pakistan

Abnormal Doppler study

Papers related to Abnormal Doppler study in Pakistan

Abnormal fetal heart rate

Papers related to Abnormal fetal heart rate in Pakistan

Abnormal Growth

Papers related to Abnormal Growth in Pakistan

Abnormal Lipid Profile

Papers related to Abnormal Lipid Profile in Pakistan

abnormal patterns

Papers related to abnormal patterns in Pakistan

Abnormal placental placement

Papers related to Abnormal placental placement in Pakistan

abnormal placentation

Papers related to abnormal placentation in Pakistan

Abnormal prothrombin

Papers related to Abnormal prothrombin in Pakistan

Abnormal Return (AR)

Papers related to Abnormal Return (AR) in Pakistan

Abnormal Returns

Papers related to Abnormal Returns in Pakistan

Abnormal scattergram

Papers related to Abnormal scattergram in Pakistan

abnormal secretory phase endometrium

Papers related to abnormal secretory phase endometrium in Pakistan

Abnormal smear

Papers related to Abnormal smear in Pakistan

Abnormal tear function

Papers related to Abnormal tear function in Pakistan

Abnormal thyroid function, hypothyroidism

Papers related to Abnormal thyroid function, hypothyroidism in Pakistan

Abnormal Uterine Artery Doppler

Papers related to Abnormal Uterine Artery Doppler in Pakistan

Abnormal uterine bleeding

Papers related to Abnormal uterine bleeding in Pakistan

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)

Papers related to Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) in Pakistan

Abnormal uterine bleeding, dilatation and curettage, histopathology examination, hysteroscopy

Papers related to Abnormal uterine bleeding, dilatation and curettage, histopathology examination, hysteroscopy in Pakistan

Abnormal uterine bleeding, endometrial sampling, efficacy, safety, cost effectiveness, MVA, D&C

Papers related to Abnormal uterine bleeding, endometrial sampling, efficacy, safety, cost effectiveness, MVA, D&C in Pakistan

abnormal vaginal bleeding and pregnancy

Papers related to abnormal vaginal bleeding and pregnancy in Pakistan

Abnormalities, Causes, Consanguinity, Cross-sectional survey, Pakistan

Papers related to Abnormalities, Causes, Consanguinity, Cross-sectional survey, Pakistan in Pakistan


Papers related to Abnormality in Pakistan

Abnormally adherent placenta

Papers related to Abnormally adherent placenta in Pakistan


Papers related to ABO in Pakistan

ABO and Rh (D) blood groups.

Papers related to ABO and Rh (D) blood groups. in Pakistan

ABO and Rh blood groups

Papers related to ABO and Rh blood groups in Pakistan

ABO and Rhesus blood group system

Papers related to ABO and Rhesus blood group system in Pakistan

ABO blood group

Papers related to ABO blood group in Pakistan

ABO Blood Group System

Papers related to ABO Blood Group System in Pakistan

ABO Blood Group, Peptic Ulcer, Seronegative, Seropositive

Papers related to ABO Blood Group, Peptic Ulcer, Seronegative, Seropositive in Pakistan

ABO blood grouping

Papers related to ABO blood grouping in Pakistan

ABO Blood Groups

Papers related to ABO Blood Groups in Pakistan

ABO blood groups, coated tongue, tongue lesions.

Papers related to ABO blood groups, coated tongue, tongue lesions. in Pakistan

ABO Blood Groups, Forensic Science, Finger Prints, Lip Prints, Gender Determination, Cheiloscopy

Papers related to ABO Blood Groups, Forensic Science, Finger Prints, Lip Prints, Gender Determination, Cheiloscopy in Pakistan

ABO blood groups, pattern of inheritance.

Papers related to ABO blood groups, pattern of inheritance. in Pakistan

ABO blood type

Papers related to ABO blood type in Pakistan

ABO blood-group system

Papers related to ABO blood-group system in Pakistan

ABO Blood-Group System, Blood Grouping and Cross matching/statistics & numerical data, Nowshera

Papers related to ABO Blood-Group System, Blood Grouping and Cross matching/statistics & numerical data, Nowshera in Pakistan

ABO Blood-Group System. Blood Group Antigens. Rh-Hr Blood-Group System. Blood Group Incompatibility. Blood Grouping and Crossmatching. Gene Frequency. Isoantibodies. Genetics

Papers related to ABO Blood-Group System. Blood Group Antigens. Rh-Hr Blood-Group System. Blood Group Incompatibility. Blood Grouping and Crossmatching. Gene Frequency. Isoantibodies. Genetics in Pakistan

ABO Discrepancies

Papers related to ABO Discrepancies in Pakistan

Abo El Qacem Shabbi

Papers related to Abo El Qacem Shabbi in Pakistan

ABO gene promoter

Papers related to ABO gene promoter in Pakistan

ABO genotypes

Papers related to ABO genotypes in Pakistan

ABO incompatibility

Papers related to ABO incompatibility in Pakistan

ABO incompatibility, Blood group system, Indirect bilirubin, Jaundice

Papers related to ABO incompatibility, Blood group system, Indirect bilirubin, Jaundice in Pakistan

ABO mismatch

Papers related to ABO mismatch in Pakistan

ABO Subtype

Papers related to ABO Subtype in Pakistan

ABO, Alleles, frequency.

Papers related to ABO, Alleles, frequency. in Pakistan

ABO, Blood groups, Diseases, Disorders, Rhesus factor

Papers related to ABO, Blood groups, Diseases, Disorders, Rhesus factor in Pakistan

abominable behaviors

Papers related to abominable behaviors in Pakistan

Abormal uterine bleeding

Papers related to Abormal uterine bleeding in Pakistan


Papers related to Abortion in Pakistan

abortion laws.

Papers related to abortion laws. in Pakistan

Abortion Spontaneous

Papers related to Abortion Spontaneous in Pakistan


Papers related to Abortion, in Pakistan

Abortion, Habitual

Papers related to Abortion, Habitual in Pakistan

Abortion, sepsis, complications.

Papers related to Abortion, sepsis, complications. in Pakistan

Abortion, Spontaneous

Papers related to Abortion, Spontaneous in Pakistan


Papers related to Abortion. in Pakistan


Papers related to Abortions in Pakistan

Aboul Saud

Papers related to Aboul Saud in Pakistan

Above Elbow Cast

Papers related to Above Elbow Cast in Pakistan

Above knee amputation

Papers related to Above knee amputation in Pakistan

Abraham Accord

Papers related to Abraham Accord in Pakistan

Abraham Accords

Papers related to Abraham Accords in Pakistan

Abraham’s lens, PCO (Posterior Capsule Opacification),

Papers related to Abraham’s lens, PCO (Posterior Capsule Opacification), in Pakistan

Abrahamic religions

Papers related to Abrahamic religions in Pakistan

Abrahamic religions,

Papers related to Abrahamic religions, in Pakistan

Abrahamic religions, doping, ethics, gene doping, globalization, Islam, sports

Papers related to Abrahamic religions, doping, ethics, gene doping, globalization, Islam, sports in Pakistan

Abrahamic/Semitic, Conflict, Conflict Resolution,

Papers related to Abrahamic/Semitic, Conflict, Conflict Resolution, in Pakistan

Abrahamin Religions

Papers related to Abrahamin Religions in Pakistan

Abram Needle

Papers related to Abram Needle in Pakistan

Abrams biopsy

Papers related to Abrams biopsy in Pakistan

Abrams Needle Pleural Biopsy

Papers related to Abrams Needle Pleural Biopsy in Pakistan

abridged translation

Papers related to abridged translation in Pakistan

Abrogated Verses

Papers related to Abrogated Verses in Pakistan

Abrogating verses

Papers related to Abrogating verses in Pakistan


Papers related to Abrogation in Pakistan

Abrogation in the Qur'an

Papers related to Abrogation in the Qur'an in Pakistan

Abrogation of Article 370

Papers related to Abrogation of Article 370 in Pakistan

abrupt withdrawal

Papers related to abrupt withdrawal in Pakistan

Abruptio placenta

Papers related to Abruptio placenta in Pakistan

Abruptio Placenta, APH (Antepartum Hemorrhage), Socio-Economic Status

Papers related to Abruptio Placenta, APH (Antepartum Hemorrhage), Socio-Economic Status in Pakistan

Abruptio placenta, maternal complications, hypovolemic shock, renal failure.

Papers related to Abruptio placenta, maternal complications, hypovolemic shock, renal failure. in Pakistan

Abruptio Placentae

Papers related to Abruptio Placentae in Pakistan

abruptio placentae,

Papers related to abruptio placentae, in Pakistan

Abruptio placentae, Postpartum haemorrhage, Anaemia, Disseminated intravascular coagulation, Perinatal mortality, Maternal mortality.

Papers related to Abruptio placentae, Postpartum haemorrhage, Anaemia, Disseminated intravascular coagulation, Perinatal mortality, Maternal mortality. in Pakistan

Abruption Placentae

Papers related to Abruption Placentae in Pakistan


Papers related to Abscess in Pakistan

abscess drainage

Papers related to abscess drainage in Pakistan

Abscess formation

Papers related to Abscess formation in Pakistan

Abscess, Brain, Diffusion-weighted Image, Magnetic resonance imaging, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Tumor.

Papers related to Abscess, Brain, Diffusion-weighted Image, Magnetic resonance imaging, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Tumor. in Pakistan

Abscess, Hand injuries, Infections, Microorganisms, Occupational injuries.

Papers related to Abscess, Hand injuries, Infections, Microorganisms, Occupational injuries. in Pakistan


Papers related to Abscesses in Pakistan


Papers related to Absence in Pakistan

absent internal carotid.

Papers related to absent internal carotid. in Pakistan

Absent Lanula

Papers related to Absent Lanula in Pakistan